TORONTO, February 8, 2018 -- Prominent local businesses and community organizations are calling on the City of Toronto to improve the safety of the intersection at Don Mills Road and Kern Road by installing a traffic signal.

"We have serious concerns about the safety of this intersection.  It has a long history of serious accidents, and an even longer history of close calls.  We are concerned that it may only be a matter of time before something tragic happens at this intersection," said John DiMichele, Chief Executive Officer of the Toronto Real Estate Board (TREB).

The Toronto Real Estate Board, whose offices are located at the corner of Don Mills Road and Kern Road, is joined in calling for City action at this intersection, by numerous other businesses and community organizations in the same area, including:

Together, these organizations have launched to help make the voices of the people who live, work, study, visit and drop off their children near this intersection heard.

"We have been asking the City to do something about this intersection for years, but unfortunately nothing has been done and accidents and close calls continue to happen. The number and speed of vehicles on Don Mills Road, along with other factors, make it very dangerous for vehicles attempting to turn from Kern Road, and for pedestrians trying to reach the TTC stops on either side of Don Mills Road," said DiMichele.

The area surrounding the intersection of Don Mills Road and Kern Road includes several churches, child care facilities, schools and businesses that employ hundreds of people with thousands of visitors and customers.

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"The children that we care for travel through this intersection every day when they are dropped off and picked up. Their parents have expressed concerns about this intersection to us. Something needs to be done before something tragic happens."

Sameah Noori, Don Mills Children's Centre

"Our parishioners have told us many times that they are concerned about the safety of the intersection of Don Mills Road and Kern Road, especially our senior parishioner drivers. We don't understand why the City has not done anything even though we have asked many times."

Rev. Sunny Wong, North York Christian Community Church

"As a former Deputy Chief for the Toronto Police Service, I believe that the City needs to take a close look at the safety of the Don Mills Road and Kern Road intersection.  The many incidents and close calls that occur at this intersection cannot be ignored. Police cars from 33 division regularly monitor the traffic for hours a day from the east side parking lot noting the challenging traffic issues. This activity consumes officers time and could be used elsewhere if the intersection had a signalized light."

Kim Derry, CEO and President, Met Scan Inc.

"Our employees travel through this intersection every day and they often feel unsafe making turns here. It's time for the City to do something."

Corey Elmaleh, Commerce Press Inc.

"When the people who use this intersection every day continuously raise concerns, the City should take heed. It's time for action."

Lenora Blackstein, Dr. Bernstein Diet and Health Clinics