REALTORS® see the positive impact, sense of security, and stability that safe and inclusive housing provides for families and individuals.
Supporting Habitat for Humanity GTA Build Days is one of many ways REALTORS® are making affordable homeownership a reality. At Build Days, TRREB Member REALTORS® join the Habitat for Humanity crew to help build a home for people in need. To get the job done, our Members are equipped with hard hats, hammers, and screwdrivers.
Watch this video to see a glimpse of our latest Build Days.

After a long day of hard work, a family was one step closer to connecting with a community through homeownership, thanks to TRREB Members.
To celebrate a new Habitat home, four TRREB Board Directors joined Habitat for Humanity GTA for a special welcome home ceremony. The event included a ribbing cutting, speeches, and keys to the new home.

Habitat for Humanity GTA is also one of many shelter-based charities REALTORS® support through the Ontario REALTORS Care® Foundation’s Every REALTOR® Campaign.
Learn more about all the ways our Members give back.