A REAL Difference from Real Estate Professionals

Our Members are committed to making the world a better place. TRREB Members Dan Loghin, Gerry Nazzaro, and Graham Rowlands are at the forefront of helping people lead a successful life with support from their community.

Our Members are committed to making the world a better place. TRREB Members Dan Loghin, Gerry Nazzaro, and Graham Rowlands are at the forefront of helping people lead a successful life with support from their community.

Within the past year, Dan Loghin collected and donated children’s toys, colouring books, and ice skates to a local charity in Milton called “Stuffies 4 Smiles.” Each donation supports children, elderly individuals, the homeless, victims of violence, and all others that can use help. Dan also helps out at the Good Shepherd – a men’s shelter serving the Hamilton area for almost 60 years.

Dan Loghin getting ready to prepare food for the Good Shepherd men’s shelter.

Dan Loghin getting ready to prepare food for the Good Shepherd men’s shelter.

To help kids with disabilities laugh, learn, grow, and just be kids, Gerry Nazzaro and his brokerage in Durham Region took part in Capes for Kids. Each year, more than 8,300 kids and youth come through the doors at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. Wearing his cape to raise awareness, Gerry’s fundraising efforts helped support innovative treatments, therapies, and specialized programs and services for the hospital.

As a Member of TRREB working in the GTA, Graham Rowlands had a mission to make a difference in his community. So, Graham created a Facebook group called the South Etobicoke Community Group to connect and cultivate change. Pre-pandemic, Graham held a fundraising event and raised $4,200 for Women’s Habitat to provide a safe refuge, counselling, support, and advocacy for women and their children who are fleeing violence. When the pandemic hit, Graham headed to his online community to create a month-long online auction where local business owners donated prizes. In the end, $22,355 was raised for six local charities, including toys for Women’s Habitat. To date, there are over 11,000 Members who have joined the Facebook group.

Graham Rowlands (pictured right) at the forefront of a holiday fundraising event.

Graham Rowlands (pictured right) at the forefront of a holiday fundraising event.

If you were inspired by these REAL Heroes stories, get involved and make a difference in your community. Learn more about TRREB Members and how they connect communities beyond the call of real estate.
