Blockchain in the Real Estate Marketplace

TRREB subsidiary PropTx, Teranet and AMP are partnering with VisionMAX and Blocksyte to transform the home buying and selling process across Canada.

TRREB subsidiary PropTx, Teranet and AMP are partnering with VisionMAX and Blocksyte to transform the home buying and selling process across Canada.

Together, they are introducing an industry-changing digital transaction of real property through a tokenized blockchain solution for real estate boards across the country.

This innovative blockchain solution will be integrated into REALM™. Designed with TRREB Members’ needs at the forefront, it will enable a more trusted, streamlined, and automated process for managing real estate transactions.

“This is another innovation that will propel our industry forward,” says TRREB CEO John DiMichele. “We are leading the way with a vision for a future-facing system that will ensure security, efficiency, and transparency. This is the first step in facilitating a seamless and less complex real estate transaction process.”

Read the full news release.
