Welcome and congratulations to our new President Elechia Barry-Sproule.

Elechia is a seasoned real estate professional with 23 years of experience and has been in brokerage management for 15 years. She’s passionate about Professional Development, sharing her knowledge, shaping the future of professionalism in the real estate Industry and helping Members succeed. Her commitment to education and development is evident through her previous roles at TRREB as Chair of the Professional Development Committee and Vice-Chair of the Communications and Member Engagement Committee.
When she’s not working, Elechia is helping others with the Let’s Keep it Brief Campaign, where together with the community she collects donations of socks, undergarments, and outerwear to help the homeless during the winter months.
Congratulations Daniel Steinfeld as our new President-Elect.
With a career spanning finance, sales, consulting and real estate, Daniel brings a multifaceted perspective to TRREB. In his roles at TRREB as Director-At-Large, Chair of the Government Relations Committee and Vice Chair of the Finance Committee, he has played a pivotal role in shaping policies, building bridges among stakeholders, and ensuring TRREB remains a trusted partner to Members.
When he’s not immersed in the real estate world, he is a frequent guest speaker at conferences and in university classrooms, in addition to hosting a podcast.
A special thank you to the Board of Directors for your continued dedication and service to our industry.