General News

  • Members with a Passion for a Cause

    Members with a Passion for a Cause

    There’s no other profession that connects people to communities the way our Members can. The passion behind a cause is what drives TRREB Members Eric, Amol, and Kim to make a difference in their communities.

  • A REAL Difference from Real Estate Professionals

    A REAL Difference from Real Estate Professionals

    Our Members are committed to making the world a better place. TRREB Members Dan Loghin, Gerry Nazzaro, and Graham Rowlands are at the forefront of helping people lead a successful life with support from their community.

  • TRREB Members Giving Back in a Time of Need

    TRREB Members Giving Back in a Time of Need

    Our Members’ connection with the communities they live and work in is stronger than ever. When the pandemic hit, TRREB Members, including Mitchell, Carmine, Jagdeep, and John, stepped up to the plate to give back to charities, hospitals, and people in need.